Thursday, February 17, 2011

"Where Could I Go But To The Lord

The "Hound of Heaven" tirelessly pursues me, leaving me no place to hide.
I hear Him howling, calling; the sound, my name, upon the wind it rides.
My scent is in his flaring nostrils, He pants with joy and hunger in every stride.
A convict on a hopeless midnight run. He is closing in, nipping at my heals tonight.
I think it's freedom to which I run, it's to a prison's dark dungeon that I ride.
He pursues me to unchain me, from the hidden bonds of sin that hold me tight.
Blind to His true purpose, I run faster, a frightened, lonely man into the night.
The "Hound of Heaven" tirelessly pursues me, leaving me no place to hide.

The “Darling of Heaven” woos me, a lover’s passion, in His eyes.
I hear Him gently whisper, “come my love to your place at my side.”
My soul was empty; a black hole of doubt and fear, trouble filled my mind.
Wind blowing through the hole, it sent shivers down my spine.
My name He is sweetly cooing, my pigeon, white dove you are a find.
How could I know I was His obsession, the apple of His eyes?
I open my heart to His advances; love, peace and joy are now mine.
If in quietness I had only listened, I would have know or seen the signs.
The “Darling of Heaven” woos me, a lover’s passion in His eyes.

“Where could I Go, but to the Lord?”

Bob Phillips

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